Monday, February 16, 2009

Going to school

I just started dog grooming school, I'm very excited, its so much fun. For a while there I wasn't feeling like a real person, every day was full of the same old stuff and I needed something different. I will be turning 30 very soon, I just keep thinking I need to be doing more... I think I'm going through some withdrawals about saying goodbye to my 20's. It makes me so sad. So I am going to be a dog groomer!! I am pretty good too, not to toot my own horn but it seems to fit me and my personality. So heirs to turning 30 and dog grooming.........


Ginnie said...

Hey, do you groom cats too? ;)

Chelsea said...

Oh Jen! I did the same thing 3 years ago and went to school for massage therapy. Guess what? I love it! I wish I could get back the thousands of dollars I gave to Weber State and BYU!!! I hope you love dog grooming school and I'm sure that you'll be the best at it! Don't be scared of 30, the shock only lasts a few days.

Travis and Nikki said...

Jenny you are awesome. I love your attitude. I love your personality. I wish you the best. i hope all goes well in the 30's and with dog grooming. i am adding you to my list of favs. Take Care and Happy Late b-day. Love ya nik

NAT said...

I've always wanted to do that, so when Ben told us that you were, I was jealous...but very happy for you. I think you're almost done, aren't you? Good luck! Oh, and Happy Birthday! Sorry that we missed your party. :(